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Your divinatory tarot
Tarot Denis Lapierre
(For entertainment only)
Some information that you should have received has not been transmitted to you. Either someone is deliberately hiding something from you or else someone is being negligent in dealing with some information that is of the utmost importance. This information directly concerns you and is intended for you personally. You absolutely have to obtain it because you need it. In this regard, you will have to speak with a woman. She is younger than you are. Her first (or original) language is not the same as yours, but she can express herself perfectly well in your language. She looks great and seems sweet and vulnerable. This is no doubt due to her young age (young adult). She does not have the answer to your question but wants to discover it together with you. Even if she has done nothing wrong, she feels responsible and feels great discomfort about this situation. She is seeking an explanation and asks you to remain hopeful. She wants justice to be done and her efforts will bear fruit. Your numerical references regarding this event: 91, 96, 34, 1.
A journey of tranquility awaits you, where you will find solace away from the hustle of daily life. Heading westward, towards the setting sun, you will seek shelter in places rich with nature, taking a crucial break from your current pace. Here, abundance will guide you—not in material wealth, but in moments of peace and deep connection with the surroundings. This retreat will allow you to reassess your goals and reconnect with long-neglected desires. Significant encounters along this path will provide new insights and a deeper understanding of your relationships and your place in the world. Your journey will be a source of renewal and inspiration, leading to personal discoveries that illuminate your future direction. This pursuit will bring you to a point of clarity, realigning your objectives with your deepest values. THE STAR and THE EMPRESS, symbols of guidance and fertility, promise spiritual enrichment and a bountiful harvest of lessons learned on the way. Your visions and dreams will guide you, revealing perspectives that will enrich your life well beyond this journey.
You will soon find yourself at the heart of a complex and intertwined judicial intrigue. An official letter, bearing a solemn seal, will arrive at your doorstep, inviting you to testify in a most serious legal matter. This moment will mark the point of no return in a conflict that has simmered in the shadows, a tangle of truths and lies where every word counts. Your role will not be that of the accused, but that of a key witness, whose memories and words could illuminate or obscure the path to justice. The case involves a man you know, a friend or perhaps someone more distant, but whose fate has become inextricably linked to yours. Accused of a reprehensible act, he finds himself at the center of a judicial storm, his words and actions scrutinized under an unforgiving microscope. The courtroom will become a theater where masks fall away, revealing faces previously hidden in the shadows. Testimonies will intertwine, sometimes contradicting each other, blurring the line between truth and deception. Evidence will be presented, some as clear as crystal, others shrouded in a fog of doubt. In this atmosphere charged with tension, you will find yourself navigating a labyrinth of moral and ethical questions. Who to believe? Who to defend? Is the man you thought you knew really who he claims to be? As the hours pass in the courtroom, you will find yourself reflecting on the fragile nature of truth and the weight of words. Perhaps they will uncover new facets of yourself, strengths and weaknesses previously unexplored. This experience will transform you, leading you to reassess not only the present situation but also the bonds that connect you to others. In this maze of justice, where each choice can alter the course of a life, you will be called upon to demonstrate great wisdom and profound reflection. Your voice, carrying your thoughts and convictions, will be a beacon in the storm, perhaps guiding the fate of this man, and your own, towards an as-yet unknown outcome.
In a time where emotions seem to fluctuate between calm and confusion, THE HIGH PRIESTESS and THE HANGED MAN indicate that you are about to enter a phase of deep introspection and withdrawal. THE HIGH PRIESTESS, a symbol of wisdom and intuition, suggests that you are stepping away from all external noise to listen to that inner voice guiding you. You may feel drawn to temporarily step back from certain relationships or situations, not out of fear, but to better understand what is truly happening around you. THE HANGED MAN, on the other hand, shows you in a position of waiting and voluntary sacrifice. This card suggests that you may find yourself in a situation where you have to make a difficult, yet necessary choice that could require you to give up something significant. However, this sacrifice will not be in vain: it will allow you to see things from a completely new perspective and to develop a fresh outlook on what you truly want in your relationships and personal life. Together, these two cards predict a period where you will be called to slow down, ask yourself deep questions, and explore aspects of yourself that you haven't yet discovered. It is an invitation to cultivate patience and not rush things. You may sometimes feel caught in uncertainty or stagnation, but this moment of pause will give you the chance to reconnect with what is truly essential to you. It is a time of gestation, where answers may not come immediately, but where they will mature gently, guiding you toward inner clarity. You may find yourself reassessing some of your friendships or relationships, questioning whether they genuinely bring the peace and fulfillment you seek. You might ask yourself about the authenticity of certain connections and decide to detach from those that no longer nourish your soul. This will be a phase of observation and discernment, where you learn to trust your own feelings rather than what others tell you. Ultimately, this period of withdrawal and reflection will allow you to return to the world stronger, more aware of who you are, and what you truly desire. This time of suspension will be an opportunity for a true inner rebirth, preparing you to welcome relationships and experiences that deeply resonate with your authentic self.
Your recent adventure led you to a meeting that seemed promising, a long-awaited encounter with someone you thought you knew. You envisioned sharing laughter, conversations, and memorable moments, but the reality was quite different. This meeting left you with a feeling of disappointment, a bitter taste of what could have been but wasn't. The person in question seems oblivious to your disillusionment, eagerly wanting to repeat the experience, unaware of your lack of enthusiasm. You find yourself navigating a sea of embarrassment and discomfort, seeking a delicate yet firm way to refuse without causing hurt or further insistence. Your reluctance to repeat this encounter is not a weakness, but rather an attentive listening to your feelings and well-being. Sometimes, fleeing is a form of courage, a decision not to get bogged down in explanations that will only prolong an uncomfortable situation. It's crucial to recognize that, even if this person thinks only of you, your happiness and peace of mind are the priorities. In this episode of your life, you learn the importance of setting boundaries, respecting your own feelings, and knowing how to say no. It's not always easy, but it's often necessary to preserve your emotional well-being. True wisdom lies in the ability to discern when to persevere and when to let go to pave the way for new and better opportunities.
An intense period looms on the horizon, marked by a significant event that will push you to rethink how you approach certain personal relationships. A woman, known for her determination and clarity of vision, will make a notable entry into your life. She is recognized for her pragmatism and her ability to analyze situations in a cold and calculated manner, which has allowed her to overcome considerable obstacles and gain notable influence in her surroundings. Her ability to stay grounded in reality will help you see things in a new light and make more thoughtful decisions. Her presence will allow you to understand the importance of staying grounded and not getting carried away by illusions. THE TOWER represents this woman and her direct approach to facing challenges, which will push you to reassess your own perceptions. By emphasizing transparency and honesty in your interactions with her, you will be led to make crucial choices that will have a lasting impact on your emotional well-being. JUDGMENT symbolizes this moment of deep reflection and important decision. However, it is essential to maintain a certain discretion regarding the nature of this relationship to avoid misunderstandings and hasty judgments from your entourage. By keeping this cautious distance, you will be able to fully enjoy the lessons and support she will bring you. Focus on the authenticity and reciprocity of this connection, and you will be able to discover hidden aspects of your own personality.
You have a plan in mind. This plan is not a dream, but is an obligation which you impose on yourself. You have no choice – you absolutely have to realise it. This plan has a very precise goal and you will do everything to achieve it. You are determined to acquit yourself of your task, regardless of the time and effort necessary. Here, failure is not an option and disappointment is not possible. You believe in yourself, your intentions are good and you will not give up.
A significant shift is on the horizon in your personal life, heralding a period of deep renewal in your relationships and emotional well-being. A pivotal encounter compels you to reassess your emotional priorities, leading you to redefine what truly matters to you. This introspective phase highlights the importance of aligning your desires with your actions. You'll find yourself making critical decisions about your close circle, requiring patience and attentive listening to everyone's needs. A commitment to a shared project or a new emotional commitment might materialize, symbolized by a gesture or an agreement that cements a union or friendship. Paying attention to the details of this commitment is crucial, as it holds the key to a balanced and fulfilling relationship. Your adaptability and open-mindedness towards changes in your personal relationships will bring deep and lasting satisfaction, enabling you to forge more genuine and meaningful connections.
You will soon be faced with a person whose intentions will be complex and difficult to grasp. This person may seem to approach you with motivations that at first glance might appear genuine, but you will need to stay cautious. Their charm, although appealing, hides deeper intentions, and this ambiguity might stir some confusion within you. It is possible that this individual seeks to disrupt the balance in your current relationship or sneak into your love life in a way that would challenge your emotions and decisions. The card of STRENGTH encourages you to find within yourself the resilience and courage needed to stand your ground. This moment could push you to be more assertive and protect what is dear to you. You have the ability to overcome this challenge, but you will need to control your emotions and react with calmness and confidence. As for the DEATH card, it symbolizes the end of a situation that can no longer continue. It is time to let go of what no longer serves you, whether it’s an old relationship or thought patterns that hinder your progress. A renewal is on the horizon, and it will bring positive changes if you accept to move forward from what holds you back.